Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Value of Email Marketing In A Social Media World

Today's post is an article written by Go-to-Market Strategies. Trying to determine the right marketing mix is on most business owners minds today and the information below on email marketing and social media will help give you some guidance.

Despite the surging popularity of social media, experts agree that email marketing is here to stay. What remains mysterious for many marketers, however, is how to make room for both email and social media in their marketing strategy.

Many companies have a clear preference for social media; they believe email is too competitive and easy to overdo. Other companies are sticking with their email strategy, maintaining that social media doesn’t give them enough control over their message...and can't be easily measured.

They’re both right.

We have a few tips that are easy to implement to get you started on the important task of combining the strengths of these tactics to maximize your reach.

  • Create relevant and compelling (or “shareworthy”) content. The best way to ensure your email will be read and shared within the social media channel is to include valuable content in virtually every email promotion. Giving your email recipients information they can use will build credibility and interest. Nothing improves your email campaign results more than your trustworthiness. So make sure you earn it every time with great content.
  • Make it easy for your audience to share your content with their network. Your email subscriber wants their clients to read your latest enewsletter. You’ve won them over—your content is shareworthy! What now? Include SWYN (Share With Your Network) links on all the web pages your outbound emails link to (see our Share with Facebook and Tweet This links at the bottom of this article). Also, post a link to your newsletter content on your Facebook and Twitter pages. This is the best way to reach a subscriber too overwhelmed by the contents of their own inbox. Or, in case a prospect finds you on Facebook first, make sure you have an link on your Facebook page to your enewsletter sign-up form so they can subscribe from there.
  • Let your customers convince your prospects to buy. Social media conversation can inform your email content in a revolutionary way. By inviting customer participation in polls, surveys, and ratings within your social media channels, you can get immediate access to customer feedback. Then leverage what you have learned from this process in your email campaigns by including customer ratings and testimonials for the products or services you are promoting. There is nothing more powerful to a prospect than your customer’s own voice! (Tip: Consider testing this technique with subscribers who have opened your emails, but not yet purchased from you.)

The above ideas will help lay the foundation for your successful integration of email and social media marketing. As you get started, remember that content is king. Content that is relevant, timely, and valuable to your audience. The first step in any marketing strategy is to build quality content. Once you have quality content, do not restrict its use between your email and social media campaigns.

Savvy marketers must leverage the strengths of each approach to compensate for their weaknesses. Email and social media complement each other quite well, and if used effectively, will transform your marketing strategy.

Let us know what you are doing with email marketing and social media.

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